Billpay shock!

It's worse than a cell phone bill run amok with hidden charges - and far more expensive.

Let us help you decipher your merchant contract, and then find compelling ways to save on your monthly processing bill.

Get more information

Is your point-of-sale equipment costing you money with every transaction?

Are you being penalized for PCI non-compliance?

Are chargebacks breaking your back?

Do you really know how much you pay for card processing?

Interchange Qualification Assessments are available for flat fees or savings-share plans. If you would like to hear more from a payment scientist regarding a customized IQA for your business, submit a request here.

Usual Suspect

Check your rate, and find out if your merchant provider is making off like a thief in the night - with your money. Fill in your volume estimates, and compare your processing costs to the national standard for your market vertical.

Estimate your Processing Volume

Dollar Volume:
Average ticket:
